Mr Pankaj Agal is the Chairman of the Tenco Group and started the company in 1984.
An Electronic Engineer from SGSITS, Indore 1983 batch. His wide experience in the field of Electrical & Electronics and smart work has given great heights to Tenco Group. He is an eminent entrepreneur, a Technocrat and a visionary.
He is also associated with Rotary club of India and other similar organizations.

Mr Pavitra Agal is currently CEO of Tenco Group and had joined the family business in 2009. He is a MBA from Cardiff University (UK) and a graduate in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. He subsequently completed Project Management from IIM Ahmedabad. Tenco Group operates in high growth sectors like Electrical, Infrastructure, Real Estate, and Agriculture & Logistics. Mr Pavitra has restructured the business to become a leader in the sectors in which the group operates. He has implemented management systems in the family business and is committed to quality, trust and customer sensitivity, and delivers on promises with agility, financial prudence and in tune with the highest global standards. In his leadership the company has also entered into several strategic alliances with global industry leaders and also started exporting to UK, Middle East, Africa and Sri Lanka. He believes in carrying forward the philosophy of the group with regards to CSR i.e Corporate Social Responsibility, this means investing part of our profits beyond business, for the larger good of society.